In this digital age, almost everyone is connected through internet in some way or other. We are using internet for any information or about topic, and we get result in a single click. The number of user is increasing day by day. Nowadays more than 80% of the business is conducting online to reach to wider audience in short time. Google is working hard to improve search engine functionality for better result.
Here are the lists of some Google advance commands which help you to get quick and more relevant information in short time by using Google operators.
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Amazing Google Tricks and Search Operator
#Atari Breakout
Just type in Google Image search box “”Atari Breakout”, and click on search result
#Books by Author
Here you can search book by author name: Just type in Author name in Google search box same as below.
#Calculate Tip
Need some mathematical help: Type in “Calculating Tips”
#Convert currency
Find out the current currency of any country: Just type in below
#define anagram
Just type “define anagram” in Google search box, see the how Google define it
#distance between cities
Find out the distance between two cities and travel time, exactly the format below.
#do a barrel roll
Just type in “do a barrel roll” in search box and see the tric
#Google Translate
Type in “Translate” in search box
#Set a timer
You can set a timer accordingly: format below
#Special days-search
#Search for “the answer to life, the universe and everything”
#tilt or askew
Just type in “tilt” or type “askew” in Google search box
#zerg rush
Type command “zerg rush” in search engine
#Google can convert for you
#Google find songs by bands
Now you can search songs by Artist or by bands: format given below
#Google gravity
Search for “Google Gravity” >> click on the search result
#informations about flights
#search for you by voice
Tired of typing, Google help you by voice search and then click microphone
#sunset and sunrise
Find out sunset and sunrise time, just follow the given format
#type a minus
This minus operator “-” it exclude term on the right of “-” from the search result, see the example below
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